Just yesterday I flew to Krasnoyarsk again and even though it was past 8 pm already the sun was still up and illuminating the apron nicely (unfortunately there were some clouds as well, but no Cumulonimbus clouds). Surprisingly the time zone at Krasnoyarsk’s Yemelyanovo Airport in the middle of Siberia in Russia is just the same as in Beijing on the east coast of China! No wonder that the sun is still shining that late in the day…
As we were taxing in, I could already make out some good surprises! I was able to capture some of those, but see for yourself. All these images and some more can also be seen in the Krasnoyarsk image gallery.

Volga-Dnepr Airlines – Ilyushin Il-76TD-90VD- RA-76952
Only four aircraft of this sub-type exist, all fly for Volga-Dnepr (here in 20 Years colours). It is equipped with Aviadvigatel PS-90 engines and features a partial glass cockpit. The aircraft (c/n 2093422743) was delivered new to VolgaDnepr in April 2010.

Nordstar Airlines – ATR42-500 – VQ-BKQ
Delivered on 21 May 2011 as the fourth of five -500s in the fleet. In the background are its sister ships VQ-BKO and VQ-BKP.

MIR Scientific & Productions Enterprise – Ilyhusin Il-18D – RA-74296
Built in the Soviet Union in 1968 with c/n 188010603 this Ilyushin Il-18 is currently operating for MIR Scientific & Productions Enterprise, after flying with Aeroflot, AIS Skytriumph (Airtransport School), Tretyakovo Air Transport (Третьяково АТК), Pecotox Air from Moldavia as ER-ICB, Grixona and Tandem Aero. Has been at Krasnoyarsk’s Yemelyanovo Airport a number of times in 2013.

Nordstar Airlines – ATR42-500 – VQ-BKO
Nordstar uses five Aerospitale ATR-42-500 for regional flights within Siberia and to neighbouring countries from its hub at Krasnoyarsk Yemelyanovo Airport. VQ-BKO was the first aircraft in the fleet, delivered on 10 May 2011.

IKAR (Nordwind Airlines) – Boeing 757-200 – VQ-BBT
Boeing 757-2Q8 of Russian airline IKAR in the basic colours of Nordwind Airlines, pictured on the apron of Krasnoyarsk Yemelyanovo Airport in Siberia. This airframe with c/n 29443 started out with Mexicana, before flying for EOS Airlines and Nordwind. It is leased from ILFC. Other aircraft in the picture include Aviastar TU-204C freighter RA-64021, Katekavia TU-134 RA-65052, Nordstar Boeing 737-800, S7 A320 and Transaero Boeing 767-300.
I hope you like these pictures! I am off to Shanghai now…
UPDATE: Here is just another photo that I took of the Volga-Dnepr Il76 shortly before departure to Shanghai from Krasnoyarsk:

The front section of the Ilyushin Il-76TD-90VD of Volga Dnepr. Are there any changes to the usual configuration? You will also have to look closely to notice that there are actually two engines and not just one!
737, 757, a320, Airbus, ATR-42, Beijing, Boeing, Ikar, Il-18, Il-76, Ilyushin, krasnoyarsk, Nordstar, Nordwind, Russia, Siberia, Volga-Dnepr, Yemelyanovo
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