According to Wikipedia, Bush flying is defined as “aircraft operations carried out in remote, inhospitable regions of the world. Bush flying involves operations in rough terrain where there are often no prepared landing strips or runways”. This is most definitely true for large parts of Africa with its huge savannas and dense jungles, where air transport is often the only possibility for people to get to places without having to travel for hours or days.
The East African travel industry heavily relies on air transportation to get tourists from the major airports to all those little lodges, hotels and national parks that are scattered throughout the region. Kenya has long been a prime destination for many tourists with natural wonders such as the Masai Mara, Amboseli National Park or Kilimanjaro being situated here. Yet, the country also offers a beautiful coastline and visitors from all over the world usually want to see as much as possible. However, road infrastructure is bad and the most luxurious hotels are usually hidden in quiet areas far from mass tourism. Most foreigners arrive either in Nairobi or Mombasa and have to travel long distances at one stage during their visit. This is where the bustling airport of Wilson (WIL/HKNW) near downtown Nairobi comes in, which is home to operators that do bush flying in Kenya and East Africa! It is the airport in the whole of Africa with the highest amount of traffic movements and a convenient starting point for a great safari. Now, let’s take a look what bush flying in Africa really means. The below video was taken on board of a Cessna Grand Caravan of Kenyan airline Yellowwings and the airline’s owner Chistian Strebel is taking control himself on this flight from rainy to Wilson to sunny Nguruman Rangers Post, a small field that had not been used in years!
Bush flying in Africa
If you enjoyed the video, you will surely like the below images. There were all taken in Kenya, either at the bustling airport of Nairobi-Wilson, in flight or at some remote strip in the bush. At some places the runways are often blocked with wild animals such as Wildebeest, Zebras, Giraffes and sometimes even lions! So watch out on your next trip when you are flying in the bush and savanna regions of Africa!
- Phoenix Burger in the African Aero Club Restaurant
Hi Felix,
cooles Video aus Kenya!
Wie hast du die Außenaufnahmen während des Fluges gemacht? Auch mit der GoPro und wenn ja mit welcher Halterung? Klebehalterung oder Saugnapf? Hast Du Erfahrungen was besser ist? Welche Altitude seid ihr geflogen?
Danke für die Antworten.
die Außenaufnahmen sind mit einer GoPro Hero 3 gemacht. Wir haben die Klebehalterung genommen, mit dem Saugnapf wäre mir das viel zu gefährlich. Außerdem hast du so weniger Luftwiderstand. Wir sind in 5500′ gestartet (Nairobi) und ich glaube bis etwa 10.000′ hochgegangen.
Viele Grüße,