I have been very busy lately, but not with flying! I have spent most of the past weeks working for our pilots associations – Vereinigung Cockpit in Germany, the European Cockpit Association (ECA) on the European level and IFALPA (International … Continue reading
Archive | Site related
Anything that is related to the website itself.

Safety Card collection from Iran on EBAY!
The collecting of things is part of the human nature! Our ancestors had to collect all kinds of food, stones, building material… to survive. We still carry these genes in us and most people collect something! It is part of … Continue reading →

Smartphone WALLPAPER for free!
I often get requests by customers to get permission to use an image as wallpaper for their phone. So far I have been rather reluctant to give away the digital files unprotected, but I have now found a great solution! … Continue reading →

New Image gallery – SHARJAH
It has been a while, but I am very happy to announce that there is a new image gallery online! Many of you have probably heard of Sharjah Airport before and some might have visited it already. Sharjah is the … Continue reading →
Aviation Calendars now also available on Amazon – low shipping costs for intercontinental orders!
Are you located in the North America, South America, Asia, Australia or Africa? Then this might be of interest to you! As you know, I am striving to give you the best shopping experience and high-end quality products only. This … Continue reading →

MD-11 Aviation Calendars 2017 now for sale – save money now!
This morning as I got back from a meeting with air traffic controllers in Amsterdam, a huge delivery was waiting at my door step already – the new MD-11 Aviation Calendar 2017 had finally arrived after being a bit delayed … Continue reading →

MD-11 Calendar 2017 in the printing press!
It is already August again! Amazing how time flies, especially for a pilot… The year 2017 is approaching fast and with it come the new MD-11 Aviation Calendars. The printing press has started already and the calendars will soon be … Continue reading →

The world at night – new image gallery online!
It has taken me a while, actually way too long, to start updating my website. I had been planning to put image galleries online for months, but there was always something else that needed to be done. With only 10-12 days … Continue reading →