The collecting of things is part of the human nature! Our ancestors had to collect all kinds of food, stones, building material… to survive. We still carry these genes in us and most people collect something! It is part of … Continue reading

The collecting of things is part of the human nature! Our ancestors had to collect all kinds of food, stones, building material… to survive. We still carry these genes in us and most people collect something! It is part of … Continue reading →
It has been a while, but I am very happy to announce that there is a new image gallery online! Many of you have probably heard of Sharjah Airport before and some might have visited it already. Sharjah is the … Continue reading →
A couple of month have passed since Lufthansa introduced the new Airbus A320neo (neo stands for new engine option) into regular service as the first airline worldwide. While the number of operators has grown since, it is still a very … Continue reading →
The A320 family of Airbus aircraft (including from small to big the A318, A319, A320 and A321) has been a huge success for the European aircraft manufacturer since the late 1980s. It is no wonder that some major airlines such … Continue reading →
All calendars are in stock! The most important and best news comes first: I have received all calendars this morning, just as I got back from my last rotation to Nairobi. It had been a long and exhaustive night flight … Continue reading →
Today I will be starting a project that I haven’t done before – I will report from a rotation that covers four American countries in 10 days live. After every flight I will give you an update on what happened, … Continue reading →
I hope that all of you had a Merry Christmas or as the Germans say “Frohe Weihnachten”! Did you know that the word christmas actually originates from the Middle English “Christemasse” that is closely related to the German “Christmesse”, which … Continue reading →
AirTeamImages (ATI) is probably the most popular, biggest and best connected aviation stock image company in the world and their team has just grown by another member – me! It was an easy process requiring a few mails and a … Continue reading →
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