The collecting of things is part of the human nature! Our ancestors had to collect all kinds of food, stones, building material… to survive. We still carry these genes in us and most people collect something! It is part of … Continue reading

Blog posts related to or talking about Boeing aircraft.
The collecting of things is part of the human nature! Our ancestors had to collect all kinds of food, stones, building material… to survive. We still carry these genes in us and most people collect something! It is part of … Continue reading →
It has been a while, but I am very happy to announce that there is a new image gallery online! Many of you have probably heard of Sharjah Airport before and some might have visited it already. Sharjah is the … Continue reading →
Are you located in the North America, South America, Asia, Australia or Africa? Then this might be of interest to you! As you know, I am striving to give you the best shopping experience and high-end quality products only. This … Continue reading →
On one of my recent trips, I had the pleasure of flying on-board the Boeing 747-8i – the latest jumbo jet generation! Just before the flight from Buenos Aires’s Ministro Pistarini International Airport (better known as Ezeiza International EZE/SAEZ) to Frankfurt … Continue reading →
Christmas is approaching quickly this year, with only week to go! Everybody is rushing to get the last presents and the cities are crowded with people. Fortunately you don’t have to run into the shops to get the best aviation … Continue reading →
This year I am offering three different calendars with dedicated editions for Airbus, Boeing and MD-11 aircraft. It has been a great joy creating these calendars and I am very happy that they are selling fast! All three calendars were … Continue reading →
99 years after the Boeing company was founded, I have come up with a unique BOEING Aviation Calendar 2016 in order to celebrate 100 years of Boeing next year! After designing a MD-11 calendar for the third time in a row, I felt that … Continue reading →
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →
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