Are you located in the North America, South America, Asia, Australia or Africa? Then this might be of interest to you! As you know, I am striving to give you the best shopping experience and high-end quality products only. This … Continue reading
Tag Archives | Douglas

MD-11 Aviation Calendars 2017 now for sale – save money now!
This morning as I got back from a meeting with air traffic controllers in Amsterdam, a huge delivery was waiting at my door step already – the new MD-11 Aviation Calendar 2017 had finally arrived after being a bit delayed … Continue reading →

MD-11 Calendar 2017 in the printing press!
It is already August again! Amazing how time flies, especially for a pilot… The year 2017 is approaching fast and with it come the new MD-11 Aviation Calendars. The printing press has started already and the calendars will soon be … Continue reading →

10 day live feed – “An American journey” – Day 10
Home at last! After ten days I was finally back home after visiting many different places in the USA and Latin America. It has been a great, but also tiring experience. Here is what happened on the last days of … Continue reading →

10 day live feed – “An American journey” – Day 5 and 6
Here I am having breakfast at 9 am at Einstein Bros in one of the best metropolitan cities in America that I know. It got the greatness of New York, but it is more relaxed, more quiet and its location … Continue reading →

10 day live feed – “An American journey” – Day 4
I am lacking a bit behind with my updates and I am terribly sorry for that, so here we go again! Day 4 of “An American journey” After my layover day Atlanta it was time to get back to work! … Continue reading →

10 day live feed – “An American journey” – Day 3
I haven’t told you the whole story of yesterday’s flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta yet, mostly because I was too tired after all the video editing of my departure capture and because the day had not ended, yet! So here … Continue reading →

10 day live feed – “An American journey” – Day 2
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →