Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading

Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading →
It is half past seven in the evening and my flight from Munich to Dubai only leaves at 21:45, which means I have plenty of time to show you some impression of Munich’s Terminal 2 – Non-Schengen Area (all gates … Continue reading →
I am not really a fan of airshows – too crowded, hot summer days and you often can’t get close enough to aircraft or the light is bad. That is why I am really excited to go to Dubai Airshow … Continue reading →
Having flown to Dubai last week, we took off to Frankfurt from Sharjah the next day again. While the aircraft was being refueled, I used my bit of spare time to take a few photos of aircraft taking-off and landing. … Continue reading →
“Good Morning Herr Gottwald, I got something for you!” – I finally got a call from crew scheduling yesterday and now I am on my way to Dubai. Sitting in the Lufthansa Cargo break-room again, I only have minutes before … Continue reading →
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