Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading

Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading →
Have you ever been to Algeria? Did you know that it is the 10th largest country in the world? Me neither, but I was about to find out! I have been travelling to Algiers to attend a meeting of the … Continue reading →
I have passed through Istanbul recently and after a day of spotting I wanted to try something more challenging – night photos! As many of you know the main spotting location is the Flyinn Shopping Center near the departure end … Continue reading →
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