It is already August again! Amazing how time flies, especially for a pilot… The year 2017 is approaching fast and with it come the new MD-11 Aviation Calendars. The printing press has started already and the calendars will soon be … Continue reading

It is already August again! Amazing how time flies, especially for a pilot… The year 2017 is approaching fast and with it come the new MD-11 Aviation Calendars. The printing press has started already and the calendars will soon be … Continue reading →
It has taken me a while, actually way too long, to start updating my website. I had been planning to put image galleries online for months, but there was always something else that needed to be done. With only 10-12 days … Continue reading →
I haven’t told you the whole story of yesterday’s flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta yet, mostly because I was too tired after all the video editing of my departure capture and because the day had not ended, yet! So here … Continue reading →
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →
Today I will be starting a project that I haven’t done before – I will report from a rotation that covers four American countries in 10 days live. After every flight I will give you an update on what happened, … Continue reading →
I recently receive questions from you on many aspects of my life. Therefore I have started collecting them in order to give you the possibility to get an instant answer to the most frequently asked questions – on my new … Continue reading →
As most of you know, I was in South America recently. It was a long rotation – we started off from Frankfurt to Dakar in Senegal, where we stayed overnight. 14 hours later we were at work again to fly … Continue reading →
After some very tiring months, I had to take a break. This is why I went on a little tour through the United States, starting off at the East Coast with New York and the Niagara Falls. I then flew … Continue reading →
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