You have probably been following me on my Instagram and Facebook pages and noticed that I hadn’t posted much here in comparison. I am still super busy (as always), which is why these social media channels are a good way … Continue reading

Blog posts that are related to Frankfurt Rhein-Main Int. Airport or the area around it like Egelsbach.
You have probably been following me on my Instagram and Facebook pages and noticed that I hadn’t posted much here in comparison. I am still super busy (as always), which is why these social media channels are a good way … Continue reading →
Swiss International Airlines from Switzerland has been a part of the Lufthansa Group for a couple of years now, but was allowed to keep its brand name and unique product. Nevertheless it came as a surprise to many that Swiss … Continue reading →
I am very excited to announce that my first article has appeared in the world-renowned magazine Airliner World from the UK with the title “Haulin’ Freight”. It has always been a dream for me to publish there and many photos … Continue reading →
It is finally ready – the world’s best and only McDonnell Douglas MD-11 Aviation Calendar for 2016! As many of you will know this is already the third edition of this calendar and it sold out completely last year – so you … Continue reading →
Have you already seen my latest video? If not, it is definitly time for you to stop by my youtube account. Thousands of people visit it every month and I have recently uploaded a number of videos. My last addition … Continue reading →
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →
Today I will be starting a project that I haven’t done before – I will report from a rotation that covers four American countries in 10 days live. After every flight I will give you an update on what happened, … Continue reading →
While editing some of my photos (I do about 2-10 per day usually) I came across a couple of shots of my beautiful MD-11 freighter that I wanted to share with you! I was on the ramp last winter to … Continue reading →
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