I haven’t told you the whole story of yesterday’s flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta yet, mostly because I was too tired after all the video editing of my departure capture and because the day had not ended, yet! So here … Continue reading

I haven’t told you the whole story of yesterday’s flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta yet, mostly because I was too tired after all the video editing of my departure capture and because the day had not ended, yet! So here … Continue reading →
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →
While editing some of my photos (I do about 2-10 per day usually) I came across a couple of shots of my beautiful MD-11 freighter that I wanted to share with you! I was on the ramp last winter to … Continue reading →
As most of you know, I was in South America recently. It was a long rotation – we started off from Frankfurt to Dakar in Senegal, where we stayed overnight. 14 hours later we were at work again to fly … Continue reading →
I have been very active for the European Cockpit Association in the past weeks, working on the development of Remote and Virtual Towers, as well as UAVs (drones) in Europe! This is why I will be taking a little break … Continue reading →
Finally! The new MD-11 Calendars 2015 have arrived and you can now order them online! Just click here to go to the MD-11 Calendar 2015 page… This is your chance to get the only MD-11 calendar in the world and … Continue reading →
It has been a little quite in the blog again, but that is only because I have been working so much! One of my favourite projects is the new MD-11 Calendar 2015 that I will be publishing soon. After last … Continue reading →
One of the routes that has been in the network of Lufthansa Cargo for ever is the Frankfurt-Nairobi-Johannesburg-Nairobi-Frankfurt service. Except for Dakar and Cairo, these are the only destinations in Africa that the airline serves on a regular basis. Departure … Continue reading →
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