Today I will be starting a project that I haven’t done before – I will report from a rotation that covers four American countries in 10 days live. After every flight I will give you an update on what happened, … Continue reading

That one clearly is about photos, photos, photos!
Today I will be starting a project that I haven’t done before – I will report from a rotation that covers four American countries in 10 days live. After every flight I will give you an update on what happened, … Continue reading →
While editing some of my photos (I do about 2-10 per day usually) I came across a couple of shots of my beautiful MD-11 freighter that I wanted to share with you! I was on the ramp last winter to … Continue reading →
It has been a while since I last sat in the cockpit of an Airbus A321, after flying the type for about three years at the beginning of my career. So I was more than happy to say hello to … Continue reading →
I recently receive questions from you on many aspects of my life. Therefore I have started collecting them in order to give you the possibility to get an instant answer to the most frequently asked questions – on my new … Continue reading →
As most of you know, I was in South America recently. It was a long rotation – we started off from Frankfurt to Dakar in Senegal, where we stayed overnight. 14 hours later we were at work again to fly … Continue reading →
It has been a while since I updated the appearance of my website and while further adjustments will be made in the near future, one important milestone has finally been reached – my shop is online! I have just started … Continue reading →
After flying from Germany to Miami on Air Berlin, I had a couple of days to explore Southern Florida. I had to spend some time had the beach, as the weather was just perfect with blue skies and temperatures around … Continue reading →
I hope that all of you had a Merry Christmas or as the Germans say “Frohe Weihnachten”! Did you know that the word christmas actually originates from the Middle English “Christemasse” that is closely related to the German “Christmesse”, which … Continue reading →
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