It has been a while, but I am very happy to announce that there is a new image gallery online! Many of you have probably heard of Sharjah Airport before and some might have visited it already. Sharjah is the … Continue reading

It has been a while, but I am very happy to announce that there is a new image gallery online! Many of you have probably heard of Sharjah Airport before and some might have visited it already. Sharjah is the … Continue reading →
Being a pilot means spending many nights awake from your loved ones, overflying remote parts of the world that you do not really want to go to. Young pilots are totally excited when being close to the stars, but with … Continue reading →
Having flown to Dubai last week, we took off to Frankfurt from Sharjah the next day again. While the aircraft was being refueled, I used my bit of spare time to take a few photos of aircraft taking-off and landing. … Continue reading →
“Good Morning Herr Gottwald, I got something for you!” – I finally got a call from crew scheduling yesterday and now I am on my way to Dubai. Sitting in the Lufthansa Cargo break-room again, I only have minutes before … Continue reading →
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